CE Course Proposal

Columbia Basin College offers continuing education courses taught by faculty and members of the community with expertise. Please click below to propose a course you are interested in teaching. Once you fill out the form please email to ce@columbiabasin.edu.

Please be as detailed as possible when submitting the course proposal form. If you do not know what course fee to set for your course, the CE department will set up a course fee.

Courses offered through Continuing Education are non-credit, short term, self-support classes with an emphasis on workforce learning needs. Classes can meet online or in-person, on or off-campus, days or evenings, during the week or weekends. Let us know when you're available and we will work with you to pick the best meeting logistics for your class. Classes can range from one session classes to multiple session classes, one hour to a full-day and everything in between!

Proposal Deadlines for 2024-2025



New Class

Existing Class

Summer quarter (Jul - Sept)

April 4

April 18

Fall quarter (Oct - Dec)

June 27

July 11

Winter quarter (Jan - Mar)

October 3

October 17

Spring quarter (Apr - Jun)

January 3

January 16


CE Course Proposal Form








Students walking around 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's Pasco campus